Inclusion Workshop W-3
Inclusion Do’s, Don’ts & Do Betters
Grade Levels: K-12
Length: 3 Hours
Inclusion Do’s, Don’ts and Do Betters offers instructional strategies that connect to the characteristics and struggles that students with specific disabilities and their staff encounter in inclusive classrooms. Knowledge, research, technology and attitudes toward people with disabilities have progressed from outdated exclusive policies and lower student expectations to inclusive polices with the expectation of higher outcomes for students of all abilities. Educational achievements for students with disabilities require administrative support and solid lesson planning that proactively expects, accepts, and embraces differences. Examples of instructional units with lessons that infuse evidence-based interventions for core planning, instruction, and assessment in literacy, mathematics, and across disciplines are shared. Learn how teachers’ anxieties and apprehensions are replaced with tangible mindsets and responsive inclusive interventions that promote positive attitudes, inclusive research, specially designed instruction, and multi-tiered systems of collaborative support. Professional resources are shared for supervisors, classroom teachers, related staff, families, and learners with and without exceptionalities.
Experience how to effectively:
- Plan daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual objectives.
- Highlight the materials, goals, procedures, strategies, steps, and curriculum-based assessments.
- Document IEPs, 504s, and multi-tiered systems of support.
- Examine differentiated instruction for whole class, small groups, and individual students.
- Provide on-line information to co-teachers, principals, data coordinators, student support teams, supervisors, and coaches.
- Accomplish effective co-teaching partnerships.
Preservice teachers, university faculty, K-12 general and special educators and related staff.