Inclusion Strategies That Work
Valuable and Applicable Things to Do in ALL Classrooms on a Daily Basis
- Establish prior knowledge.
- Plan lessons with structured objectives, allowing inter or post planning that delineates goals and desired student outcomes.
- Proceed from the simple to the complex by using discrete task analysis, which breaks up the learning into its parts.
- Use a step-by-step approach, teaching in small bites with much practice and repetition for students who require this framework.
- Reinforce abstract concepts with concrete examples, such as looking at a map while walking around a neighborhood or reading actual street signs.
- Think about possible accommodations and modifications that might be needed, such as using a digital recorder for notes, reading math word problems aloud, or if necessary, reducing or enriching an assignment.
- Incorporate sensory elements—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile ones—across the disciplines.
- Teach to strengths to help students compensate for weaknesses, such as encouraging a child to hop to math facts if the child loves to move about but hates numbers.
- Concentrate on individual children, not syndromes.
- Provide opportunities for success to build self-esteem.
- Give positives before negatives.
- Use modeling with both teachers and peers.
- Vary types of instruction and assessment with multiple intelligences, learning centers and stations, cooperative learning, project-based learning, and universal designs.
- Relate learning to children’s lives using interest inventories.
- Remember the basics, such as teaching students proper hygiene, respecting others, effectively listening, reading directions on a worksheet, and the three Rs: Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic.
- Establish a pleasant classroom environment that encourages students to ask questions and become actively involved in their learning.
- Increase students’ self-awareness of levels and progress.
- Effectively communicate and collaborate with families, students, and colleagues while smiling (It’s contagious!).