Co-Teaching Resources
- Collaboration Checklist PDF
- Co-Teaching Planner PDF
- Reflecting on Co-Teaching Practices Word Doc
- Survey of Teaching Styles PDF
- Performance Station Word Doc
- Picture This Station Word Doc
- Research Station Word Doc
- Teacher Station Word Doc
- Word Station Word Doc
- Rubric Word Doc
Connecting to Students
- Interests and Strengths Questionnaire PDF
- Learner Profile PDF
- Multiple Intelligences Survey Word Doc
- Self-Assessment Form PDF
- Conference Tic-Tac-Toe PDF
- HS Math Tic-Tac-Toe PDF
- Template Tic-Tac Toe PDF
- Learning Boxes PDF
- How Well Do You Study? PDF
Inclusion Planners
- INCLUDE Planner Word Doc
- Coaching Notes Word Doc
- RTI Form Word Doc
- Inclusion Norms Word Doc
- Inclusion Planning Sheet
- Inclusion Framework Word Doc
- CEC Initial Standards Word Doc
- CEC Advanced Standards Word Doc
- Quarterly /Monthly Plans Word Doc
- Family Input PDF
- Revisiting Inclusion Rules Word Doc
- Curriculum Resources PDF
Karten, T. (2021) Inclusion Strategies and Interventions. (2nd ed.) Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Karten, T. (2020). Practical Online Ways to Strengthen the Learning for Students with Special Needs. Available at Amazon Ignite.
Karten, T. & Murawski, W. (2020). Co-Teaching Do’s, Don’ts & Do Betters. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Karten, T. (2017). Building on the Strengths of Students with Special Needs, Looking Beyond Disability Labels Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Karten, T. (2015). Inclusion Strategies That Work! Research-Based Methods for the Classroom, 3rd ed. Corwin Press.
Karten, T. (2013). Inclusion Coaching for Collaborative Schools Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Karten, T. (2017). Navigating the Core Curriculum: RTI Strategies to Support Every Learner. Bloomington, IN, Solution Tree Press.
Karten, T. (2019). Instructional Strategies for Learners with IEPs. Naples, FL: National Professional Resources.
Karten, T. (2019). Mindfulness in the Inclusive Classroom. Naples, FL: National Professional Resources.
Karten, T. (2019). Inclusion Succeeds with Effective Strategies, Grades K-5. Naples, FL: National Professional Resources.
Karten, T. (2019). Inclusion Succeeds with Effective Strategies, Grades 6-12. Naples, FL: National Professional Resources.