Inclusion Workshop W-2

Embracing disABILITIES in Inclusion Classrooms

Grade Levels: (K-12)
Length: 3 Hours 

Inclusion is no longer a philosophy or a buzzword, but a classroom reality. Focus of this session will be to embrace students’ strengths and potentials. Learn ways to foster disABILITY awareness and inclusive mindsets in students, colleagues, and families during this Inclusion Workshop. This includes activities that promote positive attitudes toward inclusion, creating opportunities for social and academic acceptance, teacher preparation, appropriate scaffolding, content-rich differentiated lessons, peer interactions, data documentation, reflections, and collaborative home and school support systems. The ultimate goal of inclusion classroom practices is to correlate individualized student profiles with heterogeneous classroom dynamics to yield societal dividends that embrace and honor not only the principles of inclusion, but most important the abilities of all learners. 

Learn how to: 

  • Look beyond student labels.
  • Foster positive inclusion attitudes in students, colleagues, and families. 
  • Determine effective strategies to differentiate instruction. 
  • Maximize successes for all students. 


Teachers, families, administrators, and all school personnel of students in Grades K-12.

Recommended Workshop Resources

Embracing disABILITIES in the Classroom: Strategies to Maximize Students’ Assets 
Building on the Strengths of Students with Special Needs: How to Move Beyond Disability Labels in the Classroom
Inclusion Strategies and Interventions (2nd Ed.)