Inclusion Workshop W-16

Making the Standards Cool in PreK, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-2 Classrooms  

Grade Level: PreK-Grade 2 
Length: 3-6 Hours  

Preschool, and K-2 classrooms require prepared educators who value the core curriculum standards yet know how to connect to their young learners’ developmental levels to reach all students. This requires that educators screen learners and continually assess their levels. We investigate cognitive, emotional, social, behavioral, sensory, perceptual, communication, and physical characteristics of young students, considering who they are and what they like, along with what and how you are teaching. Walk away with a host of strategies, professional resources, organizations, and online references that assist collaborative teams, teachers, support staff, and families to increase their inclusion competencies for young learners.

Experience how to effectively: 

  • Plan and prepare effective lessons. 
  • Merit ongoing professionalism to stay current on the valuable and applicable things to do in your classrooms on a daily basis. 
  • Increase your knowledge about learners through discussion, reflection, application, and documentation of effective research-based PreK-2 literacy, numeracy, and behavioral strategies and interventions. 
  • Highlight the materials, goals, procedures, strategies, steps, and curriculum-based assessments.
  • Document and revisit IEPs, 504s, and RTI procedures.
  • Examine differentiated instruction for whole class, small groups, and individual students.
  • Provide on-line information to co-teachers, principals, data coordinators, student support teams, supervisors, and coaches.
  • Accomplish effective co-teaching partnerships.


Pre service teachers, university faculty, PK-2 general and special educators and related staff. 

Recommended Workshop Resources

Building on the Strengths of Students with Special Needs: How to Move Beyond Disability Labels in the Classrooms
Inclusion Mastery: Competency-Based Strategies for Grades K-2