Inclusion Workshop W-12
MTSS-RTI Strategies for Core Instruction
Length: 3-6 Hours
This session examines the core knowledge and the applicable interventions that allow this core knowledge to reach learners. Although the content is important, the instructional measures that we choose known as the process, are more important. This includes discrete task analysis of the curriculum to examine how to achieve the desired learner fluency and curriculum automaticity. Concrete, representational, and abstract engagements and multiple tiers of interventions are offered in connection to oral expression, listening comprehension, early literacy skills, reading fluency, reading comprehension, vocabulary development, written expression, mathematical computations, mathematical problem solving, and critical thinking skills across the curriculum.
Learn how to:
- Establish and maintain MTSS-RTI practices.
- Screen students’ academic and behavioral levels.
- Use multi-tiered instructional approaches to achieve individual student and whole class successes.
- Apply appropriate accommodations that connect the core academic and behavioral skills.
- Develop students’ critical thinking skills.
- Monitor student progress to offer enrichment and or repetition.
- Offer advancing and more challenging assignments for students in K-12 inclusion classroom lessons.
- Collaboratively plan and share responsibilities and communications to instruct lessons, review data to honor learner levels.
Teachers, team leaders, curriculum coordinators, staff developers, and other school personnel of students in Grades K-12.